American Dream Realty’s Tips for Spring Staging

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While we have previously encouraged you to do some heavy spring cleaning prior to putting your home on spring stagingthe market, today we are going to share with you some quick and simple tips to spruce up your property in terms of staging for the spring time.

Incorporate spring scents into your home: There are so many light, airy and fragrant scents that accompany spring’s arrival. We encourage you to bring them indoors through the use of candles, freshly-cut flowers or perhaps incense. Potential buyers will be attracted to the seasonal smells.

Use brighter colors in your decor: Time to pack away the down or flannel blanket and pull out spring accents and threads or colorful solid pieces. Accent pillows with a pop of color are always a good idea.

Make your home’s entryway inviting: Purchase a new and colorful doormat. Place some plants by the doorway. Sweep away the salt and give your front door a new look.

Make space in your closets: Put away your bulky winter wardrobe to make space in your closets. Buyers will be impressed with the space they see and you’ll appear to have more storage.

Put your yard through the paces: Clean up any winter debris and perhaps consider investing in some frost-resistant plants in case of a late cold spell. Also, when it’s time, trim your grass on a diagonal angle – it appears cleaner to the eye.

Spring arrives in just a little over three weeks and competition will be fierce in the housing market. These few tips should take you a long way and you may just nab that perfect buyer.

Happy staging!







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