Quick Tips to Get Your Home Sold By Summer’s End – from American Dream Realty

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seller-tips-for-the-summer-season-1_1300_1300We all know that (sadly) summer will be coming to a close in four short weeks. Beach days and vacations will be a memory and for those of you with children, school will be starting back.

For one reason or another or another you may desire – or need – to sell your current home before the end of the season. But how exactly do you go about doing that?

Here are a few tips from our American Dream Team for getting your home sold before fall commences:

  • Create outdoor living – It will appear that your home is larger than it actually is with outdoor living. Spruce up your decks and patios and show them as an extension of the indoor space. Keep these spaces light, airy and festive.
  • Landscape, Landscape – Work to make your lawn and property as pristine as possible. Trim and edge the grass, plant colorful and inviting flowers. A well-manicured front yard gives off the impression that the rest of the home and indoor space was just as well cared for.
  • Have refreshments available for showings – It’s hot and humid in our area here in the summer. If you know your home is going to be shown, make a fresh batch of lemonade or leave some other treats for potential buyers to enjoy. No doubt you’ll make a good impression.
  • Take care of simple repairs – Shore up any leaky faucets or cracked tile. Don’t give potential buyers any reason to turn your home down.
  • Keep your home cool – Keep air moving through your home with fans, or perhaps turn the air conditioning on. You want buyers to spend as much time in your home as possible. The more comfortable they are, the more positive they’ll feel about your home.

However, the best tip of all we can give you is to allow one of our American Dream agents go to work for you and get your home sold quickly!

If you’re ready to list, reach out to us today.

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